
The SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE Wine Interprofessionals Celebrate the Conclusion of Their Joint Campaign in MADRID AND PORTO

#aSharedPassion ♥

The wine interprofessionals of Spain (OIVE) and Portugal (ViniPortugal) marked the conclusion of their ambitious joint campaign, A Shared Passion, with landmark events in Madrid and Porto. These events wrapped up three years of efforts to position Iberian wines as a benchmark for quality and versatility in Europe, reaching over 100 million consumers through advertising in airports and train stations, collaborations with opinion leaders, digital content, and exclusive events.

The closing event in Spain took place on Madrid’s iconic Calle Alcalá, while in Portugal, the World of Wine (WOW) in Porto served as the perfect setting to highlight the achievements of this international collaboration. Both ceremonies were well-received by the press and the wine industry.

The events were further enriched by the presence of thought leaders such as Masters of Wine Pedro Ballesteros and Dirceu Vianna Júnior, who moderated panel discussions with OIVE President Fernando Ezquerro and ViniPortugal President Frederico Falcão. The sessions concluded with masterclasses showcasing the extraordinary oenological diversity of Spain and Portugal, emphasizing the wine sector’s importance in the economic, social, and environmental sustainability of both countries.

Funded by the European Union, A Shared Passion not only highlights the quality and authenticity of Iberian wines but also underscores their strategic role in the sustainable development of numerous municipalities.